In the unfortunate event that you are not satisfied with the product you ordered, or you receive a defective product from us, you have the right to return the product for a refund.
Our return policy lasts for 30 days from the date you receive your order from us.
– The product is no more than 30 days old from the date you receive the product from us
– The product has not been used or washed
– The product is not damaged or discolored due to your fault
– Has labels, packaging and purchase receipt
– The product and accompanying gifts (if any)
Most of the products in our store allow you to return them when you meet the above conditions. However, there are some exceptions: Products purchased during a promotion; Products with scratches, wear or labels will not be accepted.
You contact us via email with your request. Once we have received your request and confirmed that you are eligible for an exchange, we will notify you. We may ask you to provide an image of the invoice or product image before allowing you to return the goods
If the product is defective due to our fault, you are entitled to exchange it for another product or request a refund of the amount previously paid.
Usually, you are responsible for this return shipping cost. We are only responsible if you receive a defective product from us and it cannot be used.
For refunds on returned items, we will process your refund after we receive the items and they pass our quality control.
We will only refund when we receive the returned item from you.
This refund will be charged to the original credit card you used to make the transaction with us. This refund does not include the original shipping and re-shipping costs. You will receive your money within 5 days. If after this time you have not received your money, please contact us.
Email: [email protected]
Working hours: 8am – 6pm (from Monday to Friday)